The Cook Islands Customs Service is seeking expressions of interest to participate in the Customs Declarant and Broker Course to be held over a 4 day period from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th of June, 9am – 3pm (dependent on numbers).
The course will be hosted by the Cook Islands Customs Service and is targeted at businesses that regularly import or export goods, or broker companies, who wish to register as a user of the Customs automated system (ASYCUDA World) in order to complete online customs declarations
Training participant spots are limited and will be allocated on a “First in First Serve” basis.
The training will cover 5 modules:
Harmonized Tariff
Rules of Origin
Customs Legislation and Procedures
Customs Automated system – ASYCUDA World
If you have already expressed interest in this training over the past months, we have noted your interest and we will send out the training details. If you no longer wish to attend this training please let us know so that your space can be given to other participants.
Please note this is a pass or fail course.
If you are interested, please contact:
Mii Takioa on contact number 29510 ext. 7003, or via email:
Elizabeth Tetauru on number 29510 ext. 7001, or via email:
We look forward to receiving confirmation of your attendance or otherwise by Tuesday 28th May at 12noon.
Kia Orana e Kia Manuia