Major Projects and Procurement Support Division
MPPS is a specialised division staffed with an array of highly skilled Project Planning, Project Implementation and Procurement Managers responsible for providing oversight and technical support to major Government-wide projects in pursuit of our national development aspirations.

Our Team
The Major Project and Procurement Support (MPPS) Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is responsible for supporting and providing advice to Cook Islands Government Agencies on two key systems:
The Procurement System entails the creation of procurement documents, in addition to assessments, implementations, and continuous support.
The Tarai Vaka Process (TVP) is an activity management system that was developed to support and enhance the commitment of the Cook Islands Government to planning, controlling, and evaluating projects and activities. The Procurement and Tarai Vaka Process support and compliance will be managed by this Division.
In addition to this, MPPS extends its reach to provide support for and/or actual implementation of major projects and activities on behalf of MFEM. These projects and activities can obtain funding from either donor funds, domestic sources or conjoint.