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About Tarai Vaka Process


The Activity Management System of the Cook Islands Government

In early 2014, the Development Coordination Division (DCD) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM), commenced work on an activity management system to streamline the approach to planning, implementing and monitoring projects across government.


The system, then called Te Tarai Vaka (TTV) in Cook Islands Maori, refers to the process of building a voyaging canoe and was selected through consultations as an appropriate metaphor for managing a project while considering Cook Islands values. The policies, guidelines and tools underpinning TTV are intended to support the Cook Islands’ government (CIG) commitment to the transparent, efficient and effective use of taxpayer funds and development partner assistance.


The Cook Islands activity management system also aims to ensure that national priorities are supported by the activity management process – such as those identified by the national development framework Te Ara Akapapa’anga Nui 2021-2121 (NSDA 2020+), the Cook Islands national policy suite and accompanying sector strategies (such as the National Infrastructure Investment Plan). The system is guided by a robust legislative framework that includes the:



Also guiding the Te Tarai Vaka activity management system are the CIG Financial Policy and Procedures manual, CIG Procurement Policy, the Development Partners Policy, Environmental and Social Safeguards Policy and the CIG Operations Manual, and the annual budgeting process.


In 2020, the activity management system was reviewed and modified to better align with the needs of users and stakeholders. It was also renamed to the Tarai Vaka Process (TVP), to remove any confusion that existed with To Tatou Vai, which is also commonly known as TTV.


TVP should be applied to all government funded and overseas development assistance (ODA) activities managed by the Cook Islands Government, including all large scale, high impact activities, as well as smaller scale activities that may have significant environmental and social impacts. An “activity” refers to projects, programs, technical assistance, equipment, and any personnel required to carry out economic and social development in the Cook Islands.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require guidance regarding the system, please contact

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