Project Support
Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR)

Japan established the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (original JFPR) in May 2000 to provide grants for projects supporting poverty reduction and related social development activities that can add value to projects financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)..
The following projects for the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR), through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is being managed by the Major Projects & Procurement Support Team. Support is provided by Maureen Hilyard, Social Safeguards Specialist (ADB) and Holi Kairua, Project Co-ordinator (ADB).
These projects will support the safe recovery of travel and tourism by strengthening the capacity and readiness of the Cook Islands to safely receive tourists and support the country’s economic recovery from the negative impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
JFPR01 – Procurement of and Installation of Medical Waste System
This project will be for the procurement and installation of a zero-emission medical waste incinerator at Rarotonga Hospital. The incinerator will replace the existing diesel incinerator that is reliant on favorable weather conditions and utilize fossil fuels for combustion.
This project will be awarded to an international supplier, due to the fact that this incinerator will be the first of its type in the Cook Islands.
JFPR02 – Airport Readiness Improvement
This project will provide additional space for arrivals and departures at the Rarotonga Airport, allowing for a reconfiguration of the airport layout to adhere to the governments Covid-19 measures. The initial listing was not able to be awarded due to a funding shortfall and is currently on hold until further notice.
JFPR03 – Tupapa Health Facility Upgrade
This project will increase the capacity of the Tupapa Outpatients, and has been awarded to the local Contractor Landholdings Ltd. The project consists of two discrete buildings one of which will be utilized as a 24/7 primary healthcare center. The facility will provide services such as triage, specialized primary healthcare, emergency service, maternal and reproductive health and counselling (including mental health and gender-based violence).
The structures are anticipated to be complete end of July, or early August 2023.
Managing the Government subsidy for the domestic shipping support initiated during Covid. This was to provide a regular shipping schedule to all the Pa Enua during these challenging times, providing the lifeline to keep them stocked, comfortable knowing this is in motion.
To date we have maintained the subsidy with the intent to support and assist with a regular service. The subsidy is the mechanism in place to reduce the freight rate of food to all the Islands.
It has and will continue to be an important part for Government and MFEM in understanding the value of domestic shipping in respect of all the knock-on effects this has with the cost of living in the Pa Enua and the revenue generated.

Renewable Energy
Our renewable energy department is dedicated to helping the Cook Islands transition to a fully renewable electricity sector. We take a comprehensive approach that focuses on efficiency, access, responsibility, and security. Our goal is to support energy efficiency, expand access to renewable energy, minimize environmental impact, and ensure a reliable power supply.
This helps the government achieve its sustainable development goals. By working with stakeholders, we strive to empower the Cook Islands to create a future powered by renewable energy and build a sustainable, environmentally conscious, and prosperous nation.

Mei Te Vai Ki Te Vai - MTVKTV
The current condition of the Muri, Ngatangiia sanitation is in poor condition. Significant portions of the inshore lagoon of Muri have large patches of seaweed/algae growth, and damage have been impacted by sediments and nutrients from wastewater, current and historical agricultural land use, tourism and development, and erosion, which negatively affect water quality, ecosystem diversity and the appearance and experience of the lagoon. The lagoon environment will not improve unless installation of a reticulated system, Wastewater Treatment Plant with tertiary treatment with a land or ocean disposal.

The Muri lagoon provides social benefits including water access for recreation and fishing for the local and wider island/national community. It also provides water recreation access for tourists and the associated economic benefits to the island. The existing wastewater management system consists of on-site treatment provided through the use of septic tanks. Raw wastewater from existing residential and commercial developments are currently conveyed through gravity pipelines to these tanks. The septic tanks provide limited treatment capacity of the treated wastewater and is disposed of by pumped discharge to the surrounding ground through a system of small diameter pipes. To eliminate these discharges to ground, a new reticulated wastewater management system is proposed, consisting of a combination of gravity and pumped systems. The reticulation system will replace the existing septic tanks as the disposal mechanism for residential and commercial wastewater discharges in the areas that are impacting on the lagoon water quality.
The Project’s goal is to provide safe and secure sanitation infrastructure, enhance the environmental and economic opportunities of Muri including the wider community. This will be facilitated by a new reticulated system that will convey the raw wastewater, via a combination of gravity pipes and pumped rising mains, to a proposed wastewater treatment plant in Turangi for tertiary treatment before being disposed. The method of disposal of the treated wastewater is not finalised if this will be land based or ocean outfall. This reticulated system and wastewater treatment system is preferred due to its ability to achieve the project’s environmental objectives of significantly reducing nutrient loads entering the Muri Lagoon.
This proposal aligns with national development goals 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 and 14 from the ‘Te Kaveinga Nui’ - National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2016 – 2020. It has been identified as a priority project in the Cook Islands NIIPs, and is in alignment with the Cook Islands Country Programme 2018-2030 and The Cook Islands National Action Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management 2016-2020.