Development Partners
The Cook Islands Government encourages development partners to engage with the Cook Islands government, utilising country systems to promote transparency, effectiveness, efficiency and mutual accountability in activities that align with national development priorities.
International development partners including bilateral, multilateral and regional organisations first establish contact with the Cook Islands through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration as the political entry point before engaging with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management on providing development support.
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Development Coordination Division, is the preferred implementing entity for international development support.
New Zealand
New Zealand’s development cooperation with Cook Islands focuses on supporting the Cook Islands Government to deliver strong public services and quality infrastructure.
Our shared values and goals are set out in the Joint Centenary Declaration signed in 2001.
In light of New Zealand’s strong commitment and Cook Islands’ status as a member of the Realm of New Zealand, New Zealand continues to provide reliable development assistance and support to Cook Islands.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Cook Islands became a member of the Asian Development Bank in 1976.
Country Priorities for lending and technical assistance allocation are set out in a two-year Country Operations Business Plan which is negotiated between the bank and the Cook Islands Government.